2008 League Championship Results
November 17, 2008
Our four quarter-finalists for the League Championship:

Al, Wolffy, RazerX, TheKorn

In the end, RazerX was victorious once again.

RazerX takes home the trophy again.
2008 B Championship results!
November 17, 2008
New to the mafia this year was the B Championship tournament. Our four quarter-finalists were...

Kyle, Karl, Beans, and Tim
And the winner of the B Chapionship Oldsmobile Trophy (sponsored by US Cellular) is Tim!

Tim wins it all!
2008 Mafia Group Picture
November 17, 2008
And now we present the 2008 Chicago Pinball Mafia!

SheKorn, Jimmy, Kubie, Al, Terry, HungryBoy2049, Kyle, Yancy, Rosh, Alan
RazerX, Wolffy, Joel, Karl, Craig, Beans
TheKorn, Tim, SheWolffy
Not pictured: Kevin D., Scott S. (link)
Pictures and results from October posted
October 20, 2008
Pictures and results from October at Al's place have been posted. Thanks for the bang-up last minute job hosting, Al! (link)
Pinball Expo
September 29, 2008
It's Pinball Expo time once again, folks! If you're anywhere near Chicago this week and like pinball, then Expo is the place to be!
Pictures at KevBo's
September 15, 2008
I know it's not as sexy as giving people 26 points for being flooded out, but the pictures from KevBo's place are up! (link)
September Meet Scores Posted
September 14, 2008
The results from meet 6 have been posted. The official rankings are now online and including the league's weather consideration. The Chicago area was experiencing heavy rain fall that caused flooding in many areas. As a result some of our members were unable to attend the meet at the last minute, instead needing to protect their homes from flood waters (they could spend some time catching up with the online casino top 20 afterwards). On Saturday afternoon Rob and Mike agreed to relax the attendance rules which resulted in no zeros being awarded to those scheduled to attend.
It's picture time!
August 21, 2008
Pictures from Mikey and Yancy's have been posted. Awww, aren't they... a "special" couple!
August Scores Posted
August 17, 2008
The results from meet 5 have been posted. The official rankings are now online.
July pictures posted
July 22, 2008
Pictures from Craig's have been posted. This time, they're of more than just Nick. :) (link)
Click here to see older news.
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